Tuesday, February 8, 2011

most embarrasing moment

I have had a lot of embarrassing moments too many to count. Most of them include me being harassed or something and usually a girl is involved in some way shape or form. Like when i brought my girlfriend to the movies so it was technically a date but all my co workers thought it was funny and were giving me crap about it for weeks and they were very embarrassing while we were there. They could not let it go that I had a girlfriend and were asking a lot of questions some of which were awkward and making weird comments. We tried to go at a time to avoid certain people but the others just picked up the slack and made it worse. I have never in my life wanted to get to the movie so fast. Then the theater was empty where we were watching the movie so that was Awkward. Which my co workers also found out and were making comments about it. Afterwords we had to deal with again and ran out the door as soon as my mom showed up. 

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