Monday, February 7, 2011

daily writing 2-7-11

The lion does not take much notice of me for I m a master hunter and am in camouflage and his eyes are going right through me as i lie in wait to make my move. As He turns away i Draw my bow and knock the arrow in place aiming for the killing blow of this mighty beast. I let the arrow fly and it silently soars through the air going for its destination. It strikes the lion with forces and the lion crumples to the ground. I walk up and begin to retrieve my arrow and clean the animal so i may feast later that evening. I take out my knives and begin the bloody process of retrieving the best meats and discarding what i don't need. After i had finished i went back to my camp where i began to to make the delicious meat. It took several hours to make it but the meat was worth every single mouth watering bite. I then satisfied with the days work went to bed.

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