Monday, February 28, 2011

daily writing 2-28-11

The house was made of chocolate it looked so good i could just eat it it was so delicious looking i had to take a closer look plus i was hungry so it was a win win situation. I went up to it and started taking huge bites out of it. I had never tasted such good chocolate my tastes buds were screaming in delight as i gnawed away at it because it was amazing. I then realized that i should save it for later because it probably won't go anywhere and i don't want to get fat. so i hid it so no one else would fin this house and take it for themselves. it twinkled in the sunlight not melting i squinted since the sun was in my eyes i took the wagon and loaded up some chocolate for later the wagon was wobbly as i walked down the path i looked back at it knowing no gabby person would be blabbing giving my secret away

Sonnet Poem

What ferocious creatures Torrens can be
with gigantic hooves and large snouts
Full of power strength and brutality
Well known in the the lands people call Azeroth
Some can be the fiercest hunters of all
Some can be as kind as a druid mage
Many can be fighting for the Horde lands
Or in Alliance Territory
They can have powers like raising the undead
And shooting a target from miles away
Powers of great and terrible power
or powers of grace and beauty beyond belief
Creatures that can be respected or feared
who can turn the battle in one instant action
others may laugh and may think they are very weird
others may question there very existence
No matter if they are big or strong
They are not figs but headstrong

Friday, February 25, 2011

daily writing 2-25-11

if i could invite three people to the dinner table i would choose Albert pojouls Chris carpenter and Matt Holiday these three men are on my favorite baseball team and i would ask them for their autographs. I enjoy watching them play because they are so good and talented without the use of steroids unlike some overpaid Yankees players. They bring the spirt to baseball and their fans in St. Louis are very loyal to them. Their victory over the tigers to win the world series a few years back was a party starting event. These three men are role models in my life

Assonace poem

A bash then a crash as the solider fights for his life in the middle of the intense battle. His blood is churning inside his body like a blender. He rushes the compound with the rest of the platoon. This mission must be successful. cannon and artillery fire are landing and exploding all round him but he must pres on. for the sake of his country they must press on. Another crash he dashes to the right to avoid a shell barely misses him. The bombs start falling on the compound finally reinforcements have arrived. They blast through the front gate and storm the compound. They successfully taken it. the battle is won the day is done the soldiers may rest and prepare for another day

Thursday, February 24, 2011

daily journal 2-24-11

one of the most scariest moments of my life when i was younger i was very afraid of tornado's and the thought of them taking my house or me away frightened the living daylights out of me we never got any but we had a couple taht came close so close that we were stuck in our basement of our split level home at the time. My dad had to go to work and my mom didn't want him to leave.we sat on the floor by candle light for what seemed like a eternity but sooner or later it stopped and we were able to walk outside and look at all the hail crystals that had fallen onto the ground.

Floor Hockey wordle

Wordle: Floor Hockey

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Free writing 2-23-11

I really want to know what goes peoples heads these days. I mean the fact that people make fun of others for playing a sport sickens me. It must take some cruel and uncaring individual to say such things. I almost wish to find these people and knock some sense into them but i know better. that would not solve anything I am trying to figure out ways i can deal with these idiots appropriately so far i cant think of any. So i just ignore the whole thing and act like it does not bother me. Today I plan on taking a stand against this whole thing by going to another schools pep fest that is a main problem with this and wearing my jersey and my hat. I will wipe the smirks right off their faces.. There insensitive words and taunts won't hurt me because i know they are just stupid kids trying to get attention from bulling other students. I still to this day have yet to know what goes into people brain to think doing that is acceptable behavior. I intend to find out sooner or later.  even if it takes awhile i will take it one step at a time if i have to.

Aliteration poem

warriors wielding weapons wage war against the land

Courageous and cunning men ready to fight until death

Fighting for their lands Fighting for their freedom

So they start to strike the enemy ready to die for the greater cost

They strike the gate and swing their weapons at them

me die and are decapitated the fight seems to last a lifetime

The war ends the enemies flee the lands never to return

\The solderers of this situation will not be forgotten

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

daily journal 2-22-11

one of my earliest childhood memories was when i was probably 5 or 6 i was hanging out with my best friend/neighbor who lived down the street. We were watching The original Karate Kid and she was wearing her Karate uniform. She decided she wanted to show me a move that she knew but instead of kicking higher up like she was supposed to she kick me straight in in my private area. i of course just about yelped in pain and was hobbling around for a few minutes. She stood there half confused. Her brother then proceeded to tell her that you don't kick there on guys and told her where it should have been. Another one was we were hanging out in her backyard there was some sheets hung up we were playing under them for some reason. Then she seemed to start kissing me and laughing about it. i was completely embarrassed  i didn't know what to do then i heard her mom say her name so it stopped it was really weird. Another memory was when my older brother tied my younger brother to a tree so he could hang out with another friend

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sense of time poem

June is bright green
The color of ice cream and freedom
June feels like a nvever ending adventure
It sounds of children playing
It smells of hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill
June tastes like the sweat taste of a Shake
June is here and gone before you know it was there

daily journal 2-18-11

A man/woman walks out into the cold night air. His/her hands are shaking from what just happened the knife still bloody in the man's hand  he staggers in it looks like he had taken some blows as well as he is bleeding pretty bad out of his chest. I rush to the mans aid with a first aid kit and start to patch the man up. Well this is what happens in a war torn country nothing but pure blood shed. I get a paramedic to take him to the nearest hospital to see if they can finish the job. I wait till they leave then go back to what i was doing I am a traveling musician and it sometimes requires a little danger with certain countries. How i miss home where there is no war peace and we stay out of people business finally. It took awhile but now nobody wants to kill us for once in a century. I finish up the job and get paid all i can think about is getting on the plane and rushing home to where a family is missing me and i can't wait for their embrace. I see the pllane i pretty much run to it it will take me about a hour to get home with these new planes i am all the way across the world. i have been gone for a week and a half and i finally get to return home. I take a nap for the duration of the flight and wake up to the plane getting ready to land once we land i walk out to see my family in the terminal my children run at me with delight and i give them a giant hug and pick up my youngest who is no more then three we walk out to the car i take a breath of the fresh air it smells so good. Since i had been in a area that smelled of bodies gunfire and bombs. its so good to be home

Parts of speech poem

The Theater
Tall and Wide
Rustling and Bustling
Home of Entertainment

Thursday, February 17, 2011

free writing 2-17-11

A good friend of mine is going through hard times and it is really affecting her. I see it in her eyes she may hide it but i see right through it to sadness that is going on. I may not know exactly what is going on but i know there is something that is infesting her soul and tearing her apart from the inside out. I wish to help her but i accepted her wish of not knowing about it and then i have to juggle the problems that are going on in my own life as well. It just seems so hard to do anything right now without some idiot judging me or her. I cant seem to escape it and its driving me up the wall. I really wish i knew what was going on with her but i am not going to force it out of her so i will remain in the dark and let the professionals handle it while i sit on the sidelines blind and deaf. I hope that one day that she will tell me so i don't feel useless as she struggles through this dark time. I can't bear to watch i want to rush in and help but i can't. She means the world to me and I can't stand to watch her suffer. I hope that this dark cloud will clear soon.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


 unique creatures
swinging through the jungle
eating fruit and throwing feces
at tim

daily journal 2-16-11

I wake up and try to take a deep breath, but the deeper the breath the more severe the pain. The ground is hard beneath my back, and I feel a dull pain in my arm. I quickly scramble up because its the championship and i must press on my coach is screaming at the ref for a penalty but of course no luck. i go after Erin who has a thick grin on her face because she got away with a call i give her your going to die a long and painful death look. The smirk quickly fades because she knows she has crossed the line and my anger is starting to let out. I feel the adrenaline pulsing through my veins. I no longer feel the pain in my arm i take this opportunity to to work 10 times harder the puck is passed tome and i put all my might into this last shot there is latterly only seconds left on teh clock its a tie game. The puck goes flying through the air and soars right pass the goalie just before the buzzer. i stand motionless not believing it just happened but quickly brought to reality as i am dog piled by everyone around me. I had won us the championship over robbinsdale Marcus was saying it went in after the buzzer but the refs actually were on our side for once and told him it was a goal. He then shut up and the ceremony began Erin was the one to shake my hand she didn't look to happy about it. She gave me a glare as we walked up i just smiled because i knew that i had out smarted and beat her such a lovely feeling to making your enemies crumble.

metaphor peom

My life is like a roller coaster it has its ups and downs
It sharply turns almost throwing me off.
I hold on barely to not go flying off.
I then hit a straight spot to relax a bit but then thrusted back up
once again holding on.
finally the ride is over

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

simile poem

winter feels like needles because its painful to deal with

Anger sounds like a car screeching because it can get heated pretty quick

Tue Love is like water because it can go anywhere

Family is like a shelter because you know your safe there

School is like a second home because of all the time spent there

Best friends

My best friends are Rickey Alex Mindy because they know who i am They listen to me as i listen to them. They are always there for support Rickey I have known forever and we have many things in common. Mindy is truly the first girl outside of my family to understand me. She helped me up when i was down. Alex is a true friend that i have known since the beginning of my marching band career. We got many things in common like internet references. Alex is a friend who i consider family like the other two. Rickey stood up for me against the jerks of elementary school. I can see me and Rickey being best friends for our entire life and as for Mindy the same goes for her but i would also like to see if i can't get our relationship to take a big step. We know each other really well and we help each other out when we are having girl/boy problems. These three mean the world to me and i would do anything for them.


1. A calendar is like a mirror because its a reflection on what you have done and will do
2. A sandwich is like a cellphone because its small and convenient
3. An ice cube is like a cookie because it does not last
4. A knife is like a whisper because both can be painful
5. Kissing is like a careful collision because its gentle and innocent
6. An Eyeball feels like a peeled grape.
7. Hair feels like leftover spaghetti.
8. Falling in love sounds like hummingbird because it can be very beautiful.
9. A dentist’s drill feels like tiny needles because it can be very painful.
10. Tomato soup tastes like bleeding hearts because it resembles blood.

Monday, February 14, 2011

daily journal 2-14-11

Out of the darkness we came out into the rank murky looking day we call winter If the weather gets any worse it will become dangerous temperature of getting hypothermia There was a trumpet sounding in the far of distance must be a search party being crafty we make a large signal fire by throwing brush onto the fire and soon enough there is guys in warm wool jackets approaching and they seem to have hot chocolate yay for hot chocolate Its a drink of the gods i am pretty sure of it. They seem to have a helicopter because i hear it and it lands nearby. we am then whisked off to a nearby hospital because of fear of frostbite and hypothermia Someone squeals with delight

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Change poem


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bucket list

1. get married and have children
2. be in charge of a CSI Team
3.go to a different country in europe
4. play on a pipe organ in a Cathedral
5. visit turtle lake indian reservation
6. Retire rich

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


There once was a dog named Kota
Who drank a bottle of cream soda
shes not to willing
to give up her filling
of her daily cream quota

10 years from now

Today i woke up at 5 in the morning to the sound of a pager which means i have to go to work. Oh the pager woke up my 18 month old son hes not too happy about it. I look over at Mindy she is sound asleep I go over to Adams Crib and pick him up it takes a few minutes but i get him to fall back asleep. I then cover him up and shut the door quietly. Now on to more morbid matters. I get my uniform on and head over to Minneapolis for a man had been stabbed to death and shot several times and because i was a Lt. of a CSI lab I arrived at the scene and my team was already there i started giving out directions on who is doing what. nBy the time we were finished gathering evidence two hours had gone by we ended up finding the guy a few hours later and i returned t my family just in time for breakfast.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ode to the piano

piano oh piano you bring me joy
I started playing you when i was in first grade
I have never given up say it was too hard
When I am down you pick me up
When I am angry you cool me down
your delicate keys play gentle notes
As i slowly and emotionly play whats on my mind
As people hear the music they come to listen
Then they compliment our musical acheivement
i could not do this without you

most embarrasing moment

I have had a lot of embarrassing moments too many to count. Most of them include me being harassed or something and usually a girl is involved in some way shape or form. Like when i brought my girlfriend to the movies so it was technically a date but all my co workers thought it was funny and were giving me crap about it for weeks and they were very embarrassing while we were there. They could not let it go that I had a girlfriend and were asking a lot of questions some of which were awkward and making weird comments. We tried to go at a time to avoid certain people but the others just picked up the slack and made it worse. I have never in my life wanted to get to the movie so fast. Then the theater was empty where we were watching the movie so that was Awkward. Which my co workers also found out and were making comments about it. Afterwords we had to deal with again and ran out the door as soon as my mom showed up. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Auto Bio Poem

Energetic, Caring, Fun loving, Respectful
Sibling of Ryan, Sam and Kyle
Lover of Sports, Friends and good bookx
Who feels happiness when doing things i love
Who needs companionship everyday
Who gives respect, friendship and encouragement
Who would like to see all problems solved
Resident of Apple Valley Minnesota

daily writing 2-7-11

The lion does not take much notice of me for I m a master hunter and am in camouflage and his eyes are going right through me as i lie in wait to make my move. As He turns away i Draw my bow and knock the arrow in place aiming for the killing blow of this mighty beast. I let the arrow fly and it silently soars through the air going for its destination. It strikes the lion with forces and the lion crumples to the ground. I walk up and begin to retrieve my arrow and clean the animal so i may feast later that evening. I take out my knives and begin the bloody process of retrieving the best meats and discarding what i don't need. After i had finished i went back to my camp where i began to to make the delicious meat. It took several hours to make it but the meat was worth every single mouth watering bite. I then satisfied with the days work went to bed.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

lake of the ozarks hiku

The lake is vary deep

The Lake is vast and and very bright

The lake is always busy

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thank you Mindy

Mindy I am very thankful that I know you the fact that we can tell each other anything on our minds is a wonderful thing. I enjoy the times we spend together and all the late night texting montages then being completely tired the next day. I like it that we cheer each other up in dark and depressing times and are there for each other. you kept me going last year When Unzen was well Unzen. I enjoy our friendship and hope that we will be there for each other for our entire lives.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Creative writing

I would like to learn on how to be a better writer so my vocabulary might be much larger and more impressive. I would like to know some different techniques and styles of writing