Friday, April 8, 2011

Escape to reality

Bright lights flashing everywhere I don't know what's going on am I dying I can't see anything I can hear voices but I can say anything I am screaming but no one can hear what I say they are looking for something. Are they looking for me they must be I want to scream and wave my arms but it's no use I can do anything just watch helplessly looking at my body but I am not dead so this is weird I must be in a coma. The thought frightens me even what if I never wake up what happens if I die This is all so weird but its real I know it and not some weird dream that I am imagining this is really happening I can't remember anything at all just a blur of sounds that don't make any sense. They found me it looks like my motionless body is placed onto a stretcher and I am whisked away  to a hospital now I stare over an hospital room me lying there my family in silence My mother is probably heartbroken because she can't do anything but watch and wait to see what happens. I received many visitors throughout the day most of them silent a few in tears it's not a good situation oh no my actual family came in why don't let my son see this I want to yell for letting him see this he is confused only a toddler what is going on and there's Mindy she is hiding her sadness but I can see it in her eyes Now I start remembering what happened I had been called to check out a building with my team I found a bomb  I screamed at my team to get out and I ran for cover to get out of the blast it's a miracle that I survived I hope I am not a vegetable for life because I don't think they could take it.  The doctors come in start explaining bad news saying I am in a deep coma and they don't know if I will come out of it or survive it's looking so grim I can't do anything they explain that I was in pretty bad shape. it must be pretty bad because Mindy had to sit down now I start getting worried what's going to happen to me I don't want to die I have so much to live for I don't want to leave her behind It brings tears to my eyes will I ever get to return to my body or will I stay like this forever and die with nobody to talk to the thought of that just sent chills down my spine I don't think I could handle it I would go insane. Wait what's going on now they are shooing them out of the room I look around their is distress then it hits me I am dying my body is going into cardiac arrest no I don't want to go all of a sudden I hear a voice I can't quite tell who it is but it sound familiar like I have heard it before then it hits me it's not one but multiple voices  it must be the passage to heaven then one voice calls out my name and says do I want to stay or go I tell them I want to return to my body they acknowledge my answer and I started to see my life flash before my eyes i saw ever tying from my childhood like me and Mindy's first official date and me getting promoted to Lt and so many other memories it was tear jerking what was happening did they not want me to return were they taking me away i aw the doctors trying to revive me i then heard the voice again i knew it for sure this time it was my grandfather he asked me if i wish to return again or stay i told him he said ok and pushed me i started falling for what seemed like a eternity i just sat there falling getting closer and closer to returning I thought they were sending me away and i would be a sprit doomed to roam the earth forever till i was released as i was falling i could hear my grandfather again he was telling me what to do and how to return it sounded extremely difficult i didn't know if i would make it back before it was too late i thought i was a goner i thought i would never see them again for a long time till they grew old themselves and i would be I was running out of time I didn't think i was going to make it i was sure it was almost hapless but i will continue anyways i am not about to make a wife a widow and a child a fatherless child without a say in the matter I thought of all my friends that i would miss honing out with them and their families since we get together allot and do things together it wouldn't but the time was up i had failed i slumped at the door because i couldn't get through and probably by now the doctors were covering me up  i sat there and cried because i would be stuck here forever as i sat there feeling sorry for myself i saw something in the distance i could make out what it was it was bright and loud i couldn't make out what it was or the sounds coming from it i stood up and tried to get a better view of it i still couldn't see anything it roared by me and blew open the door with such force it almost fell off the hinges and this is a sprit door so it had to be strong i watched in amazement as it turned out to be every single loved one i have ever knew appeared they told me to get through the door a family is waiting for me i just about cried again they had saved me i thanked them all walked through the door fell downwards again but now i could hear the doctors yelling for things i saw the hospital i went through the ceiling straight into my body i jolted up with such force i just about took out one of the doctors my family came rushing in i was breathing heavy but i had made it my family was there the doctors were so confused because they were about to give up on me because it was taking too long but apparently i didn't lose any significant brain function because they tested this out i was back and i was happier than ever my had rushed in they explained that they had found the guy who started this in the first place i told them good work and if everything is done to go home because i couldn't go back to work yet it would be a bit which was fine with me because i still got paid but got to be with my loving family i looked upwards and smiled knowing i had family watching over me I was back and here to stay for awhile and there was nothing to stop me It took me several days in the hospital to be cleared to leave but when that happened i t was a wonderful feeling apparently i healed faster than they expected me too I returned home to a huge welcoming party they set up a party for my triumphant return  

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