Monday, March 7, 2011

daily journal 3-7-11

Marian Bartsch and Joey Catsalgi met on his first day of work Joey was an abused child so he didn't trust many people The daily beatings his father gave him were still vivid in his mine but it didn't drive him insane and turn him into a serial killer. His father always told him he was a failure a mistake a nobody and wouldn't go anywhere in the world because he screwed up so much. like most abused children he his everything from the world and nobody ever really knew what was going on they were even unaware where the bruising was coming from people would ask he wouldn't say anything people would stare but he wouldn't never tell no he is with Marian who seems to Realize what he has gone through and is a very good listener even though they have known each other for a fmay slow him down ew hours they seem to be connecting rather well. This new relationship seems to have opened new doors for joey that he thought would never be opened this is a positive change in his life The possibilities are limitless there is nothing that can stand in his way He feels like a unstoppable machine that not a single stone

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